47 – After the Divorce She Ran WHERE?

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastMelissa went running after her divorce. On this episode, we find out where she ended up.  An incredibly inspiring story.

If you haven’t listened to last week’s show with Melissa and how she was unhappy, fat, drinking milkshakes to soothe the pain, and in a marriage that long needed to be over. She talked about her journey of how she was able to leave that situation finally. She told us how she completely overhauled her life and eating. Today she will talk about her workout program and how she worked off over 80 pounds of fat! Listen to it here:

Melissa committed from Day 1 in her new life at her new condo with her kids to make time for herself daily. She knew needed to change her life and her weight and cope with all these changes and stress. “I am an all or nothin’ gal and I knew I need to commit to 60 minutes a day. every. single. day!” says Melissa. She did it. She could only find time in the evenings as a newly single mom of 3 kids. So, she put the 2 younger kids to bed and extended the oldest teen’s bedtime and hit the pavement each night.

Melissa started with running 1 minute and walking 1 minute, repeating and alternating. She did this for 2 weeks for 60 minutes a day. Then she moved up to running 2 minutes, walking 1 minute, alternating. She kept upping the running minutes every 2 weeks until she was running 10 minutes and walking 1 minute alternating. Then she decided to sign up for her first race.

Walking doesn’t do it for weight loss and stress loss. Walking the dog with a cup of coffee doesn’t push the fat and stress out of your body. Fat needs to be pushed out of your body. You need to run, skip rope, or rebound on mini or big trampoline. (this was studied by NASA and referenced in the book “Fat Flush” by Ann Louise Gittleman). The slowest run/jog is better than fat loss than the fastest walk. Many people can maintain their weight with walking, however, if you are on a mission for fat loss you need to run!

You need to recognize the benefits of making a change and acknowledge those. You also need to reward yourself for accomplishing your goals in small and big ways. Maybe you get a calendar on your wall and give yourself a smiley face or star on each day you workout. Maybe after 10 workouts, you reward yourself with a nice pedicure. Maybe after 10 pounds, you get a new pair of jeans. Find your incentives and reward your good behavior.
Once Melissa could run 10 minutes straight, she signed up for TWO races: a 5k and a Marathon. The 5k was in 30 days and the Marathon was in one year. She always wanted to run a marathon and thought THIS is the time. I want to run a marathon before 40 years old! Well, she researched and looked around and the Detroit Motown Marathon was a year away and just days before her 40th birthday.
Melissa followed one of the Runner’s World marathon training programs and ran when it said run. She also did weight training, rowing, fitness classes, and biking. Here are a variety of Marathon training programs and schedules: http://www.runnersworld.com/training/marathon-training-plans.
Be sure to tune and and listen to Melissa and Dr. Dave talk through Melissa’s entire first marathon race and what she expected and what she was surprised by. There were many surprises along the way of finishing this journey of her lifelong goal of running her first marathon. She had just ended her year of separation with her husband and they decided to officially end it and divorce a few days before and just a few days after the race was her 40th birthday. “I needed to run this race for me, to close a chapter, and start a new chapter, start my 2nd half of my life, and a new me.” says Melissa.
You deserve an hour a day to make yourself a priority. “Choose your sweat. Sweat 60 minutes a day!” says Melissa. Choose what you like to do and that you will do for 60 minutes and work hard enough to sweat it up good. You can bike, rollerblade, run, take a class or switch it up! Find what kind of sweating makes you happy.
“Fight for the relationship you want, Fight for the health you want, Fight for the fitness you want!” Do not give up! says Melissa. Do not suck it up. Do not give in. If you want date night, set it up, plan it, and grab your spouse and go! If you want to take that tennis class, do it! Your family will survive without you for an hour or two a week. Fight for that daily workout time and me time. You will be able to take care of your family and be a better partner if you have had me time and time to sweat. It will serve everyone better.
melissa-dawn-lierman-photo-by-karl-raupp-port-stanley-marina-september-18-2012GUEST INFORMATION: You can find Melissa Lierman all across the interweb tweeting, blogging, facebooking, photographing, and instagramming. She was over 200 pounds, size 2xlarge, and has lost loads of weight and baggage. She knows what it takes to take it off with determination, a good attitude, good nutrition, and lots of healthy active fitness.
She is Woman 42. Grateful. Kids 15.13.6. DigitalGeekGirl. College Professor. International Speaker. Runner. Marathoner. #MomsRunning Founder. Locavore. Gardener. Baker. Narrative Photographer. GlobeTrotter.
You can connect with her all over social media!
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/melissadawnlierman,
FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/digitalgeekgirl,
Twitter @DigitalGeekGirl,
Instagram http://www.instagram.com/digitalgeekgirl.
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