97 – Here’s How You Meditate!

On this episode, Dr. Dave teaches you exactly how to meditate!

We are quickly approaching episode #100 of the David Madow Lifestyle Show. On my 100th episode, I would like to share your stories of how I have helped you with my other listeners and viewers. If I have inspired you or helped you in some way, please let me know. I want to hear from you! Send your stories to me by private message on Facebook or simply post a comment on my wall. I appreciate your help in advance!

Today, I am recording this episode from one of my favorite cities in North America, San Francisco. I just finished running on Lombard Street which, if you have been to San Francisco before, you know is extremely hilly and steep. I did five repeats running from the base of the hill to the top. I was tired doing it but after I finished I felt fantastic! My lifestyle never stops. No matter where I am, I am emphatic about living this lifestyle and nothing gets in my way – no food, no lack of exercise – I always make sure I stick with my program. I don’t make excuses, exceptions, or having things in moderation.

Before I get into today’s show, I would like to share a quick tip. I always travel with healthy foods. Today I have with me brazil nuts. Brazil nuts are packed with selenium. Brazil nuts are a great way to get the selenium your body needs naturally. I believe in getting as many nutrients from natural whole foods as possible and this is one way I do that.

I promised that I would teach you from start to finish how to meditate and I want you to promise me that after you learn how to do this, you will at least try. You can’t just try it once and then say it didn’t work for me. It is nothing magical but if you start practicing it every day or many times per week over a period of time, you start to feel more at peace, less anxious, calmer, a lot of great things will happen to you if you meditate on a regular basis.

My Step by Step Process

Today we are going to follow my six-minute model. I use a great app on my iPhone to track my meditation sessions called Insight Timer.

1) Find a quiet place or a quiet room. I don’t typically use music although many people do. My background music is the perfect example of music that is good to play while meditating.

2) Sit down on the floor (or in a chair). You may cross your legs if you like.  I typically sit on a bolster which are commonly used in Yoga practice. It is a thick hard pillow. I find it difficult to sit cross legged for any length of time unless I am elevated. However if you are really flexible you can probably sit cross legged on the floor with no problem.

3) I set the timer on my Insight Timer app (mentioned above) for six minutes and press the start button. I have programed the app to make a gong sound when the meditation begins.

4) With my eyes closed, I take a nice long deep breath in and then exhale slowly. When I take that deep breath in, I am quietly saying the word “in” to myself. As I breath out, I say the word “out”. I do this to keep my mind from straying and thinking about things like problems, worries, and relationships. You can do this breathing at your own pace. You can also use a mantra. Instead of “in” and “out”, you can use the words “sat” (pronounced sa-ht) and “nom” (pronounced n-ohm). Use a mantra that frees your mind and prevents you from focusing on stray thoughts.

5) Repeat step number 4 for six minutes to start.

I prefer to do it in the morning before the day begins. If you do not have six minutes in the morning to take of your health, then please somehow find it. If you need to, wake up six minutes earlier, which will not change your life. But you will find meditating will change your life!

If stray thoughts enter your mind, you just do your best to release it. We’re human and it is very difficult to empty our minds completely. There is no right or wrong to meditating.

Meditation is different for everyone. Try to start doing it every day. You will see that things just seem to work better after you have meditated and even your relationships will work better.

I hope you do try it!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

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96 – Who Posted That Meme on My Facebook Page?

Today, Dr. Dave shares something that another user posted on his Facebook profile. Stay right here to hear all about it!

I was in the studio getting ready to do a totally different episode and this came through on my newsfeed. I want to share it with you because this is what is going on out there. This post is a meme. A meme is generally a picture that with a caption that is added to be funny or sarcastic. So in the meme that was shared on my profile, there is a picture of bacon strips and the caption on the photo says “I like my bacon marinated in vegan tears. It tastes so much better that way”.  In all fairness, this meme was actually posted by someone I know and he is a good guy. He sincerely meant it as a joke. This person does know how passionate I am about healthy eating and how much I care about animals and their pain and suffering.

I have done a lot of stand up comedy in my life and I still do some stand up bits when I speaking to dental audiences or even lifestyle audiences. I always try to incorporate comedy it keeps people engaged and awake. So comedy is a good thing. And you can almost make fun of anything if you do it tastefully. Sometimes if it’s not done properly, you can really piss some people off!


Do you have pets? Have you ever had a pet in your life? Chances are you have had a pet before or at least admire animals by doing things like visiting the zoo. What if somebody tried to do to your pet what is done to any animal you eat? For example, the pigs who are raised for bacon on a factory farm, they are standing, sitting, and sleeping in horrible filth and feces. Horrible conditions with no room to move around and that’s their whole life. That’s all they know. And it’s not much better on the free range farms no matter what Whole Foods or anyone else tells you. They are given antibiotics for infections that come about from the horrible conditions. Unfortunately, the day they are slaughtered is probably the best day of their life since they know and feel and see no more pain and suffering. It’s really really sad.

It’s absolutely one of the reasons I do not eat, or wear, or use any animals products. I do not believe that we need to kill animals for our pleasure. And it is for our pleasure because we do not need to eat meat. Humans are not naturally born carnivores. It has been scientifically proven that we can live a better life if we do not consume animal products. There are animals that are carnivores but they only kill an animal when it’s absolutely necessary like if they are hungry. That is the way nature intended it.

Getting back to the Facebook post, I let this gentleman know that I did not find it funny. I said it in a nice way. I know he meant it as a joke and I know he is a good guy. I did not find the suffering of another animal funny. To me if you want to make jokes about vegans and things like where do they get their protein, that’s totally fine. I don’t mind that. I think people need to be sensitive and caring.

I went back and asked the gentleman that posted this meme on my page if he would actually go out in the field, capture a pig, stab it, kick it, whatever it takes to kill it with his own two hands. Then skin it, separate the meat, then put it on the stove and cook it, would he do it? And very quickly he responded; “no, no way. I don’t do that. I don’t hunt. As a matter of fact I love taking care of animals.” It’s not an exact quote, but it is very close. So my thought process is, you like taking care of some animals but have no problem going to a grocery store and looking at package of a dead animal because someone did the killing for you?! His response was that it was his choice and I had no right to tell him what to do. That’s true! I don’t have a right to tell someone what to do and nor do I. If you’ve been a listener a viewer, a friend, a follower for as long as I’ve had the show or even before, I think you would agree that I never tell you what you have to do. I teach by example, I tell you what I do, I tell you what I recommend. But I never ever make fun of anybody, call you out, call you a bad person, or call you a loser if you are not doing exactly what I am doing. Never. Never do I do that nor will I ever do that. Because it’s a process. You might be eating meat or other animal products now, and that’s ok. Believe me, I still love you. If you are watching me, following me, trying to get advice from me, I love you from the bottom of my heart and I honestly mean that. I would never bully you, make fun of you, or call you out. The only thing I ask is that you do the best you can. Do what you think is best for you! I hope that when I lead by example and when I show you that truly taking animal products out of your life can make you feel and look great. This generation now and future generations is looking and feeling better than ever.

I do believe, not in my lifetime, but I do believe that the planet will be vegan in a period of time. I am not sure how long but it has to happen. Not only for our health but the planet can no longer sustain the farming, not only for animals but for crops to live and grow. The planet cannot continue the way it’s going if we continue to be greedy just to eat bacon.

I have been on both sides. I used to eat bacon, steak, chicken, fish. I used to think I ate it responsibly but I don’t think that’s possible now. I always ate small portions. Now, with all the information out there I know it’s not the healthiest way to be. And it’s not good for the environment!

This all started from a Facebook post but it is so much deeper than Facebook. When I first started this show almost two years ago, Yoko and I were still eating meat and it was a dilemma for us. We love animals and could not stand the thought that dead animals were on our plate.  Once we made the change, our lives began to change. I cannot count the number of people that have been following me and listening to the show that have written messages on Facebook, in public, have texted me, or gotten to me another way and said that they have gone plant based because of me. I cannot begin to tell you how that makes me feel. When I first made the change, you would not believe the number of messages that I got saying “you are not going to change the world” and “do your thing but don’t try to convince anyone else. No one is going to change their ways.” That could not be further from the truth. It’s unbelievable! Maybe I have even help you to change. Multiply you by the thousands and thousands of people out there hearing this message. We are changing the world! We are doing it one person at a time. If just one person from the planet hears this show today and makes a change in their life, then guess what?! I have done it! I have succeeded. My license plate is GO VEG. I have a feeling when I drive around, someone is going to see my license plate and begin thinking about being vegan or even begin researching it. If you are one of those people out there that told me that I could not change anyone, I’m sorry to say I am changing people and I LOVE it! Thank you so much! I am a regular person and have worked very hard to amass a following. It’s not hundreds of thousands of people a week (yet) but it is thousands. I’m reaching them and I am reaching you. We are getting things done!

I have talked about many things on the show, even topics that are not necessarily health related. I have talked about financial matters and how you need to get out of debt and live a life that’s below your means. First, financial matters are the number one cause of stress and relationship problems causing more break ups than anything else. Those that are getting married this year, please listen to me. Live responsibly, pay off your debt, live below your means, and give to charity. If you do that, there is no more peaceful feeling that you can experience. Remember I won’t tell you what to do but this is my recommendation. I have been in debt and out of debt. Use my example!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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95 – Dr. Dave and Victoria Moran Answer Your Questions!

On today’s show we are answering all of your fantastic questions!

I am back with Victoria Moran in New York City. Victoria has been very busy writing over the past several years. She has published twelve books including Main Street Vegan, Younger By the Day, and her most recent The Good Karma Diet.

We’ve got some great questions from our social media fans! Victoria will be helping me answer them on today’s show!

1. What supplements do I need to take as a vegan? – Jennifer, Minneapolis, MN

Victoria: “One for sure is vitamin B12 and interestingly enough , according to the Academy of Medicine it is recommended that anyone over age 50 take vitamin B12 regardless of their diet since B12 is very hard to get from food. It grows on bacteria and since plants are cleaner than animal foods so they don’t have B12. Some people would say “well then that means it not natural to be vegan” but as my wonderful dietician friend, Jenny Messina, would say if it’s not natural to be vegan because you need B12 than it’s not natural to be over 50 because you need B12. Most humans also need vitamin D these days. You can get your level checked by your doctor. The indication these days is that 1000 international units (iu) per day is recommended particularly is you live in the north, have dark skin and therefore absorb a lot, or have light skin but protect yourself from the sun a lot. Some vegans may also want to take an algae based omega 3 supplement which is DHA/EPA. These are the major ones. Some dieticians will also recommend zinc two to three times per week. Zinc is also hard to get in any diet unless you are eating lots of oysters and most people aren’t doing that. Zinc is especially important if you find that you tend to catch colds in the winter. Your calcium levels should be find as long as you are drinking fortified milks such as almond, soy, or rice. You can get calcium from dark leafy greens but you really need to eat a lot of them, at least four cups per day to get your recommended allowance. I do not take a multivitamin. Studies show that people who take a multivitamin typically die sooner than those who do not. For men, consuming additional iron is linked to prostate cancer and heart issues. Which is why men’s formulas and over 50 formulas do not typically include iron. Additionally, folic acid (synthetic form of folate) appears to play a role in breast cancer. There are large differences between naturally occurring folate and synthetically made folic acid. I recommend everyone do the research since you are the ultimate authority on your body. See what’s out there and be smart about it!”

Dr. Dave: “Well I am definitely taking the major three that you mentioned. I am also taking a vegan multivitamin but maybe I need to look into stopping that since it may not be necessary.”

Victoria: “Well certainly if you talk to someone like Dr. T. Colin Campbell, he would tell you that beyond B12 nothing is necessary and there are a lot of physicians who believe that if you really are eating a whole foods plant based diet everything is there. And it is a funny thing I believe everything is there probably if you’re making really good choices, and getting organic produce, and eating everything fresh. But there are some problems that people run into regardless of what diet they are on. In the 40s and 50s people find that their hair tends to thin and their nails get brittle and start to break. There is B vitamin called biotin that has shown in studies that is can strengthen hair and nails. So you could consider taking that if that was something you were deficient in. Its an alternative to going into the pharmaceutical world and as an ethical vegan you want to avoid pharmaceuticals as much as possible due to animal testing.

2) Isn’t it just normal to be on medication such as blood pressure medication or cholesterol medication after age 60? – Tom, Jacksonville, FL

Victoria: “That is a perfect question. I was riding the train back from Vegetarian Summerfest in Johnstown, PA last week. I was with a lovely woman named Roseanne who is from New Jersey. She is the tea lady. She got really famous back in the 80s as a teacher for collecting one million tea tags to teach her kids what one million looked like. She is a woman of a certain age and has nothing wrong with her. She is on no medication because nothing is out of whack. She went to a dermatologist for a skin issue and the dermatologist had read her chart and hadn’t even seen the patient yet and said a woman of your age ought to be on medication! And Roseanne said For what?! So just because you are over 60 doesn’t mean that you have to have those things.”

Dr. Dave: “I am on no medication and I am assuming since you just said those things you aren’t on medication also.”

Victoria: “I am on no pharmaceuticals at all.”

Dr. Dave: “When I saw this question come through, it really bothered me. I did some research a few months ago. The average American over 60 is on at least four prescription medications. I know and you know if we just eat right, plant based diet, no processed foods, salt, sugar, or oils these problems will take care of themselves. The nutrition will take care of everything instead of the pharmaceuticals”

Victoria: “Yeah a lot of them will. And if something doesn’t there are things things between here and pharmaceutical land – such as acupuncture or herbs. There is a whole other world out there before we run to drug companies in my opinion.”

Dr. Dave: “I agree.”

3) I have trouble sleeping. Even if  I have had a hard day I have trouble getting to sleep or I don’t sleep well. I’ve tried everything. What should I do? – Mercedes, Lima, Peru

Victoria: “I am certainly no expert in that area but as I mentioned last week I love ayurvedic medicine and I read and study a lot about ayurveda. They believe sleep disturbance is a vata disturbance. I know we don’t have a lot of time so I won’t go into a lot of detail but the idea is that there are three basic body types, most people have a predominance of two. One of these types of vata tends to be flighty, and happy, vivacious, and enthusiastic. But when vata is out of balance it is very hard to be grounded and very hard to sleep or stay steady. It is very easy for this type of person to have sleep disturbances, if the temperature is not right, it’s too cold or you’re under a wind, or if you have been traveling a lot. All of these things are upsetting to that part of your constitution that needs to be grounded and needs to be calmer. You may want to look for an ayurvedic doctor and I am sure there are some in Peru. Or you may want to read Deepak Chopra’s book Perfect Health which I have read many times. It is an elementary introduction to ayurveda but it is not so basic that you won’t learn something from it each time you read it. You also may want to do a sleep assessment of your bedroom. Do you have shades to block out light? If not you may want to get a sleep mask. Is the room quiet? Turn the TV off one hour before going to bed. In ayurveda, if you can get to bed early by about 10pm without a full stomach (dinner should be eaten two to three hours prior) and wake up early by about 6am; you will be influenced by the energies of nature or wake up energies. They will help you get started early in the morning and keep you feeling good all day.”

Dr. Dave: “Is going to bed at ten o’clock early? Did I hear that right?”

Victoria: “For a lot of people it is.”

Dr. Dave: “These days ten o’clock is considered late for me. I try to be in bed somewhere between nine and nine thirty. But I am more of a morning person. I love your suggestion about having dinner a few hours before bed. But what do you think about something like chamomile tea before you go to bed. Does that help?”

Victoria: “It’s supposed to. Chamomile tea or anything warm with calcium in it such as almond milk or soy milk would work the same way.”

Dr. Dave: “Mercedes is kind of asking the wrong person. I am one that as soon as my head hits the pillow, I am out. But I sleep so easily. But I will tell you this Mercedes. If there is anything going on in your life. If there is stress at work or something like that, it can also affect your sleep. I went through something about a month or so ago that I was trying to get worked out and it was very stressful for me. And I found myself not being able to sleep well at all and waking up throughout the night. So if there is something at work, a relationship, or whatever it may be make sure you have that in check to because it can affect your sleep as well.”

4) Have you come across any medical reason that would make it necessary for someone to actually need meat? – Lori, United Kingdom

Victoria: “I have never read or heard about such a thing.”

Dr. Dave: “That was quick! Neither have I! I don’t know of any  kind of medical condition that requires you to eat bacon. I don’t think there is anything out there.”

Victoria: “In the old days they would say things like eat liver for iron deficiency (anemia) but we know now that we can get iron from plant foods. And also if you need to supplement you can supplement. Young women for example, about the same number who are vegan and are omnivore,  tend to have iron deficiency. It’s just something that some people are more prone to get than others. But you don’t need liver.”

5) What are your thoughts on GMOs and how can we avoid them? – Mitchell, Vancouver, WA

Victoria: “My thought is, I don’t know. My feeling is, they’re incredibly creepy! What I have read is that we absolutely want to avoid them. The classic book on GMOs, Seeds of Deception, really tells the story. I think some of the doctors will say well have you ever known anyone to die from GMOs? Well no personally I have not but the people that work in fields where these crops are grown, there are documented cases of illness and problems. So I certainly don’t want to be eating them. What we can do is to avoid the big ones, the foods that we know for sure that if you don’t get them organically will probably be grown GMO. Those crops would be corn, soy, cotton seeds, canola, some Hawaiian papaya, and some squashes. Also take political action. I don’t like the idea that Monsanto wants to rule the world. And certainly as a vegan the idea that animal genes can be put into plant foods, I don’t like it all. And I think you are wise to be concerned!”

Dr. Dave:  “Also I think when somebody says have you ever known anyone to die or get sick from GMOs, what kind of question is that anyway?! The answer is we don’t know. It’s not like your body is going to come out and say I’m sick and it’s from GMOs. There are all kinds of issues that people have and how do you know that some type of allergy, or autism or anything is not caused by GMOs. That doesn’t make sense to me.”

6) How can we get our kids to eat healthy without being critical of their weight or appearance? – Charlotte, Orlando, FL

Victoria: “That is such a perfect question for me Charlotte because I was once an overweight kid. My dad was a diet doctor and my mom worked in a “reducing salon” which was sort of the precursor to today’s health clubs. So I know what it’s like to be a kid who is criticized for stuff like that. Whenever someone would speak about my weight it always just made me want to go have another cookie. It’s very counterproductive. The best thing to do is to celebrate healthy food. When you wake up on a Saturday morning make a big deal about going to the farmer’s market. When the first strawberries come out on the spring and the first pumpkins are ready in the fall, teach your kids that they are not just for jack o’ lanterns. You can make soup from them too. There are orchards where you can go to pick your own fruits or vegetables. Don’t forget to get kids involved in cooking the food too. There is a great book by The American Vegan Society called Apples, Bean Dip, & Carrot Cake. It is a wonderful kid’s cookbook because everything is really easy, really healthy, and they photograph actual kids making the recipes. Whenever you can teach children to make something healthy and present it to the family they have stock in that.”

Dr. Dave: “Great answers. I appreciate that! Before we leave, I want to thank everyone very much for being a listener/viewer. Make sure to check out my website at www.davidmadow.com. There is lots of stuff happening there. We have show notes for each episode and you can watch each podcast there. I am also hanging out on Facebook all the time at www.facebook.com/davidmadow. Victoria was kind enough to give me a stack of her newest book, The Good Karma Diet. We are going to have some giveaways on my Facebook page. Stay tuned because you may win one of these for free! And if you don’t, make sure to go to your local book store and pick one up. It’s a great book! Thanks again Victoria for being a guest. I appreciate you inviting me into your apartment to do these podcasts. Let’s make sure all of the listeners and viewers know how to get in touch with you.”

Victoria: “www.mainstreetvegan.net. From there you can find out the academy, my books, weekly radio show, the blog and everything else going on at Main Street Vegan.”

Dr. Dave: Thanks Victoria. Good luck with all your traveling! And your academy! She has a lot going on, make sure you check her out!

victoria moran

Victoria Moran has been a Main Street Vegan® for 31 years and is an obesity survivor, maintaining a 60+-pound weight loss for all this time. She’s the bestselling author of twelve books, including Creating a Charmed Life (in 30 languages around the world) and the plant-based weight loss classic, The Love-Powered Diet, and the iconic Main Street Vegan. Her latest book is The Good Karma Diet: Eat Gently, Feel Amazing, Age in Slow Motion. Her college thesis became Compassion the Ultimate Ethic: An Exploration of Veganism, originally published in 1985 and the first work on vegan philosophy and practice to come from a major publisher. Victoria is also an inspirational speaker, corporate spokesperson, certified holistic health counselor (HHC, AADP), graduate of the T. Colin Campbell Foundation/eCornell program in plant-based nutrition, host of the Main Street Vegan radio show/podcast, and founder and director of Main Street Vegan Academy, training and certifying vegan lifestyle coaches.

Cited by VegNews among the Top 10 Contemporary Vegetarian Authors, Victoria appeared twice on The Oprah Winfrey Show and she’s one of the celebrity coaches for PCRM’s 21-Day Vegan Kickstart. Her articles have appeared in Yoga Journal, Mothering, Natural Health, Woman’s Day, Martha Stewart’s Whole Living, VegNews, and Vegetarian Times. Her work has been noted in USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, Self, Elle, Glamour, Allure, and O, the Oprah Magazine. She was named Vegan of the Year 2012, sharing that honor with male counterpart Michael Greger, MD, and she speaks extensively for vegetarian/vegan festivals, health events, women’s conferences, associations, corporations, and religious groups.

Moran lives with her husband, writer and musician, William Melton, in a LEED-certified green condominium in New York City’s thriving Harlem neighborhood. They’re co-writers of the feature film in pre-production, Miss Liberty, and co-humans to a rescue-dog, Forbes. To keep in touch, please:

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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Website: https://davidmadow.com 
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94 – Victoria Moran and Karma!

Do you know what karma is? Find out on today’s show!

I am recording today from the New York home of guest, Victoria Moran. Victoria Moran is an author, speaker motivator, inspiration, and my good friend. She has written several amazing books including Main Street Vegan and her most popular Creating A Charmed Life. My friend and Yoga instructor, Sandy, who is also vegan, recommended that we read Victoria’s book Main Street Vegan. My wife and I credit this inspiring book with helping us make the transition to completely plant based eating.

Victoria Moran Interview

Dr. Dave: “How do you wake up every morning with all this energy and motivation? What get’s you out of bed every single morning?”

Victoria: “I have a very spiritual life. To me that’s the most important thing. It’s the exciting thing and it’s the only thing that doesn’t get old. So before my feet touch the floor in the morning, I am doing my gratitudes. That’s what gets me up because I don’t necessarily feel fabulous every morning as I am just lying there thinking oh there’s a day ahead. But once I start churning those gratitudes I have to get up because…”

“I have one of the top 5000 lives on the planet! “

Dr. Dave: *chuckles* “How do you get one of those lives? What exactly does that mean?”

Victoria: *laughs* “When the occupy people were doing their thing and talking about the 1% it got me thinking. I believe there’s probably a 1% of happiness. And certainly it takes a base level of a certain amount of health and prosperity and things to just get by. But I have also met a lot of people who are extremely happy who don’t have anything. At one point I was working with Tibetan refugees in Nepal and Northern India. These people lived a much simpler life than you and I do. And they certainly had grief in their life. I remember one family whose little girl died and we asked how she had died. And the father said oh she didn’t die of anything, she just died. And he just had this incredible acceptance that sometimes things happen. So to think of all the things I have to be grateful for and not want to bound out of bed and get on to the day would be really ungrateful.”

Dr. Dave: “So this wasn’t on the script but I got to ask. Tell me some of the things you are grateful for.”

Victoria: “Oh wow!” *laughs*

Dr. Dave: “Just a few. Maybe even your top several. Maybe even number one.”

Victoria: “They change day by day. It’s dangerous to come up with number one because then someone else is always number 2. Well my dog, Forbes is such a happy maker. I’ve had cats my whole life and they have been amazing. And I never really thought I was a dog person. We did adopt a dog when my daughter was a little girl. The dog was absolutely wonderful but it took my current dog Forbes to teach me an incredible kind of unconditional love with another being. So I am very grateful for Forbes. I am grateful to live in New York City because not only is it Disneyland for vegans but it is urban intensified and I am a very urban person. So often people think that because I have been a vegetarian for over 40 years that I must like growing vegetables or going to the country and I really don’t. I am uncomfortable in those atmospheres. I really like concrete and tall buildings. *laughs* It suits me! So I have there here. And I am also really grateful for what’s going on in my life right now because at 65 years of age, when a lot of people are thinking about leaving their life of activity and going on to another phase, I have never been so immersed in my life of activities. I am still writing books and just finished my 12th book, traveling to speak, directing Main Street Vegan Academy a training program where we teach vegan lifestyle coaches. We do that four times a year which is miraculous! So there’s a lot of great stuff going on.”

Dr. Dave: “So that was a beautiful segue into being in your 60s now. I just turned 60. When I was 30 and even 40, I always thought that when you’re 60, it is pretty close to the end of your life. You’re not productive anymore, you have aches and pains, you can’t really get around, and I didn’t really want to be 60. Now I’m 60 and I tell you I’m loving it! I am feeling kinda like you. I have more things going than ever and I feel great! I would normally never ask a woman her age, but since you mentioned it – although I don’t believe it – how do you feel? How do you feel everyday? Do you wish you could go back to 40 ever?”

Victoria: “Not really. 50 was the hard year for me. It always seemed like to me 50 was half century mark and the start of antiquity. I remember when I turned 50, certain changes happen with women. And around 50 I went to bed one night with a nice flat stomach and a round bottom and I woke up one morning with a round stomach and a flat bottom. And I said wait a minute is this invasion of the body snatchers? I mean what happened to me?! *giggling* I actually kind of panicked. And I wanted to turn things around. And so you have the book over there that came out when I was 53. It’s called Younger By the Day. Because I really needed techniques, and tips, and procedures that could make this thing go backwards instead of forwards. But now at 65 I see it differently. And I actually loved turning 60. I think I was glad to get out of my 50s because I had such a bad attitude about them! *giggling* But I started getting happier in my 50s and by the time I turned 60 I just felt really solidly rooted in my life, grounded in who I am and what I am about. But another interesting thing happened around 60 for me. I developed a very strong vegan community here in the New York area. I moved to New york at 50 and I had a very supportive group of people back in Kansas City. When I left that it took me a while to build another one. I know all these articles and the studies about longevity talk about how important community is. I think it’s more important than most of the things we focus on.”

Dr. Dave: “Very interesting!. Now how do you feel about getting to 70? What do you think is going to happen when you are 70 years old?”

Victoria: *laughing* “I don’t know!”

Dr. Dave: “Is this something you think about?”

Victoria: “No because I am very much in the one day at a time thing. I have been schooled for many years in this idea of living in what Maxwell Maltz called ‘day tight compartments’. Twenty four hours at a time. The Native Americans said that was the only span of time there is. So anything longer than a day, we can’t figure. So I don’t think about future, but I do believe if we are able to live this day well; it doesn’t matter what the chronology is or what’s going on, we gonna live another day well with a different chronology and other things going on.”

Dr. Dave: So how would you say the 65 year old Victoria compares to the 30 year old? Do you feel better? The reason I’m asking you is because the 60 year old David feel better than the 30 year old David. I wouldn’t want to go back to 30 right now”

Victoria: “Yeah. It is and it isn’t. When I was 30, I could stay up all night and I could do it for a few days. You would not want to be around me if I stayed up all night. So there are some things that I have to acknowledge and honor the body and what it needs more than I did then. But I understand the body and it’s needs more than I did then so I can treat myself better.”

Dr. Dave: “I have your new book here, The Good Karma Diet. How long has it been out?”

Victoria: “It has been out since May, so two months.”

Dr. Dave: “So it’s really new”. I wanted to ask you, tell me about karma. What is karma? I kinda know what it is but I want to hear it from you”

Victoria: “Yeah ok. Theologically, karma comes from it’s Ayurvedic roots and then it translated into Buddhism and all the Eastern religions. The idea is that every thought, word, and deed comes back to us in kind. But it’s not just an eastern idea. It’s in every religion, every philosophy. Jesus spoke about reaping what you sow. It’s everywhere and I think we see it. People in the west tend to discount it sometimes because we don’t see it immediately. We’ll see someone who might not be a nice person amass a lot of wealth and we’ll say yeah right karma! But in the east, because they believe in reincarnation there’s a lot longer time for all this karma to play out. Either way when you are talking how you are treating your body and how you’re treating the people around you, that kind of karma will absolutely shows up right now in this lifetime. If you’ve been are feeding your body well, thinking some good thoughts, exercising, getting enough rest, doing some meditation, you are going to have a very difference body at 50, 60, and 65 then if you have been treating yourself poorly. The interesting thing about The Good Karma Diet approach is that it’s not just about eating organic food, and drinking fresh pressed juice, and thinking aren’t I cool? It’s I am not harming others. My very first priority in my diet as an ethical vegan is to do no harm and the second priority is to feed myself the very best food that I can find in a given circumstance. Usually those are perfectly in harmony and I can do both at the same time and it’s no problem. There are times that I have been at a truck stop or an appointment and the only non animal food available isn’t the healthiest food in the world. But that’s alright once or twice here and there as needed. For me it’s more important thing is to do no harm than to pick the healthiest thing if it happens to not be vegan.”

Dr. Dave: “Your subtitle is gently feel amazing and age in slow motion. Which I love! I’m trying to age in slow motion. So tell me about some of the recommendations you make here.”

Victoria: “Sure. Well age in slow motion is kind of what I learned between Younger by the Day and now. We’re not going to go backwards, that would be creepy. To age in slow motion, in today’s society, really means to age normally. What happens is that through the way that we live, all the stress, not treating ourselves well, not knowing ourselves well enough to treat ourselves well. I am very interested ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient healing tradition of India where you come to know the kinds of foods and the kinds of things that you need for your own individual self. So you honor the person that you are not just some person on some chart. So treat yourself well and the aging process doesn’t accelerate the way it often does in this culture. So in terms of tips I have some called the M.E.N.D. program. M.E.N.D. stands for meditation, exercise, nourishment, and detoxification. You get those four together and you have got it going on!”

Dr. Dave: “Please talk briefly about each of these things. Especially meditation. We both love meditation.”

Victoria: “Sure.


“Meditation is simply quiet time. The studies that say such wonderful things as that people who have meditated for 5 years or more are 12 years younger physiologically than people who don’t meditate, are typically only looking at people who do a formal kind of mantra meditation 20 minutes twice a day. But you know what? It works if you just go with it. Whether it be journal writing, the rosary, prayers, scripture reading, it doesn’t matter. If it takes you inside and connects you to your highest self and to the higher power that you perceive him. Than you got it. It just has to be regular to make you younger or it’s not going to make you younger. If it’s every now and then or oh my gosh something terrible happened, I better go pray about it. No! Every day!”


“The more I come to study ayurveda the more I come to see that not everybody needs a huge amount of exercise necessarily. But you have got to move the body. And because we live in the first time in history that you can be completely sedentary and still have a reasonably interesting life. That’s absolutely frightening. So just things like standing more than you sit and moving more than you stand as well as whatever exercise really speaks to you. And it really took me until recently for me to find an exercise that I love. I have liked weight training and I have liked different kinds of things here and there but I love aerial yoga.”

Dr. Dave: “Aerial yoga? I am not so sure we ever talked about that on the show. What is aerial yoga?”

Victoria: “I just discovered it. Fabrics are hung from rigging points in the ceiling. And you do standard yoga positions using the fabrics so you are suspended. You spend a lot of time upside down. It’s not very high. I love it. It’s an exercise that I really want to do. I will also do some weights and some cardio but I do that because I need to. The aerial yoga I do because I love.”


“Nourishment is more than just food. You really want to nourish yourself in every possible way. With your environment, with the colors, with the conversations you have, with the books you read, and the movies you go to. But you also want to nourish yourself really well with food. Food that’s whole, food that’s fresh, and food that suits you. A food might have a lot of nutrients on the nutrient list but if you can’t digest it or tolerate it then it’s not all that nutritious for you. So you come to know yourself and you want to get up from every meal feeling like your body is thanking you for the nourishment.”


“Detoxification is a little but of the same. First it means that you don’t want to toxify yourself. So many of us get so many poisons that we don’t even think about it. Most people have a toxic waste dump under their sink just with the products that we clean our houses with. When instead you get all natural products, which are also not tested on animals, or use things like vinegar, baking soda, and club soda. And you want to put the most natural products on your skin. Many people think, but that is just on the outside! But these things go into your skin and into your body. Things like sweating, dry skin brushing, and oil massage are wonderful, sweet little things you can do to make your body love you.”

Dr. Dave: “Great stuff! Now I am assuming this is available in book stores all over right?”

Victoria: “All over.”

Dr. Dave: “If anyone wants to get in touch with you personally to take one of your courses what is the best way to get in touch with you?”

Victoria: On my website at www.mainstreetvegan.net. You can find all of the information there. All of the phone numbers and emails for getting in touch are there as well.”

Dr. Dave: “Victoria thank so much for being a guest and allowing me to be in your home studio. This has been fantastic! I got a question for you. I’ve got some more that I would love to talk about and I might be here for a while. Is it possible we can come back next week and maybe even answer some questions some of my listeners have had? I think you might be the perfect person to help me answer some of these questions.”

Victoria: “I’d be honored! Wow!

Dr. Dave: “Let’s do it! Thanks again and until next week!”

Victoria: “Thank you David!”

victoria moran

Victoria Moran has been a Main Street Vegan® for 31 years and is an obesity survivor, maintaining a 60+-pound weight loss for all this time. She’s the bestselling author of twelve books, including Creating a Charmed Life (in 30 languages around the world) and the plant-based weight loss classic, The Love-Powered Diet, and the iconic Main Street Vegan. Her latest book is The Good Karma Diet: Eat Gently, Feel Amazing, Age in Slow Motion. Her college thesis became Compassion the Ultimate Ethic: An Exploration of Veganism, originally published in 1985 and the first work on vegan philosophy and practice to come from a major publisher. Victoria is also an inspirational speaker, corporate spokesperson, certified holistic health counselor (HHC, AADP), graduate of the T. Colin Campbell Foundation/eCornell program in plant-based nutrition, host of the Main Street Vegan radio show/podcast, and founder and director of Main Street Vegan Academy, training and certifying vegan lifestyle coaches.

Cited by VegNews among the Top 10 Contemporary Vegetarian Authors, Victoria appeared twice on The Oprah Winfrey Show and she’s one of the celebrity coaches for PCRM’s 21-Day Vegan Kickstart. Her articles have appeared in Yoga Journal, Mothering, Natural Health, Woman’s Day, Martha Stewart’s Whole Living, VegNews, and Vegetarian Times. Her work has been noted in USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, Self, Elle, Glamour, Allure, and O, the Oprah Magazine. She was named Vegan of the Year 2012, sharing that honor with male counterpart Michael Greger, MD, and she speaks extensively for vegetarian/vegan festivals, health events, women’s conferences, associations, corporations, and religious groups.

Moran lives with her husband, writer and musician, William Melton, in a LEED-certified green condominium in New York City’s thriving Harlem neighborhood. They’re co-writers of the feature film in pre-production, Miss Liberty, and co-humans to a rescue-dog, Forbes. To keep in touch, please:


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93 – Weight Loss Frustration Continues!

If you are struggling with weight loss, we are talking about it again on today’s episode!

Welcome to The David Maow Lifestyle Show! A new podcast is released every Monday both on iTunes and here at www.davidmadow.com. The video version of each podcast is then released 1 1/2 weeks later, on the following Wednesday, at www.facebook.com/davidmadow.

On the last episode (Episode #92), I took a question from listener, Barb in Dayton, OH. She is 50 and is vegan. She is always hungry and her vegan diet is not working out well for her. She is struggling with weight loss. Even though she exercises quite a bit, always tries to get in 10,000 steps and she also weight trains 2-3 days per week. I gave several great weight loss tips in last week’s episode and I have a few more for you this week!

As stated last week (and many times before), I highly recommend a whole food plant based diet. Nothing processed, no (or at least very minimal) sugar, oil, or salt. In addition to that, here are a few other suggestions:


I recommend making juice from fresh fruits and vegetables in your own home. I do it frequently, which also means that I am always at the grocery store just about every day. I have a Breville Juicer and LOVE it! I start with some type of greens, like collard green, chard, or spinach. Then I add things like celery, beets (small amount), carrots, apple, and ginger. However you can add almost anything that you like. When you drink a glass of this every day, it is pure health. Some people feel that you should be eating the vegetables and fruit instead of drinking them but in my diet I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables so I always get the nutrients I need. Since I’ve began juicing, I have noticed that I feel healthier and my skin is more vibrant.

What to Put in A Salad

People think that salads don’t fill you up. If you are watching the video, you can see the example of my salad. It is a pretty good size salad. What’s in it? It is loaded with organic spinach, celery, carrots, tomatoes, pecans, nutritional yeast and flax seed. Some things I do not have on my salad today but will also help to fill you up are tofu and beans. I can eat very large portions of these because the food is not processed, there is no sugar, salt, and minimal oil, although I do sometimes add a little vegan dressing.

I am not on the “window diet”! Do you know what the “window diet” is? The “window diet” is when you drive up to a window, roll the window down, and they hand you a bag of food through your window. Never! That will kill you! If you are on the window diet even once a week, please quit!

I was doing some research recently and found that whether it’s bad food that you’re eating, lack of sleep, or lack of exercise, they all do the same thing to your body. If you are eating a lousy diet full of processed foods and fats, getting very little sleep, or not moving your body, it’s funny how the same thing happens. You will gain weight, your blood pressure goes up, your cholesterol goes up, your blood sugar goes up, you are more prone to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. If you abuse your body in any way, your body will react in bad ways. The human body talks to you when you abuse it. You may go for years with underlying medical issues that get worse over time and can cause serious problems including death. When you are eating healthy you don’t have the issues. You will like looking at yourself in the mirror. I am proud of my 60-year-old body. And you can be proud of yours too!

Need additional inspiration? Read about centenarian marathon runner, Fauja Singh.

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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92 – Weight Loss Frustration – Here’s What to Do!

On today’s show we got a great question from a listener. Dr. Dave will answer it and thinks it will help YOU too!

Welcome to The David Maow Lifestyle Show! A new podcast is released every Monday both on iTunes and here at www.davidmadow.com. The video version of each podcast is then released 1 1/2 weeks later, on the following Wednesday, at www.facebook.com/davidmadow.

Today’s Question

I follow a vegan diet and live a healthy lifestyle but I am not losing any weight. I get in 10,000 steps every day and I strength train 2-3 days per week. I seem to be hungry often and I am never sure what to grab when I am hungry. I have been on and off my vegan diet because of this. Do you have any tips for me? Barb – Dayton, OH age 50

Great question Barb and I am also glad to hear you are vegan! That is definitely the best way to go! So congratulations to you and you husband for going plant based. I will share with you my daily routine which I believe will help you. First, I start my day with a lot of fresh fruit, starting with a banana or two before brushing and flossing. Then I will I head out to get in my Magic 4. For those of you that are new to the show, the Magic 4 is walking or running for 4 miles. If you can work your way up to 4 miles every day, or nearly every day, it will work miracles for your health.

When I return from my run. I will cut up a lot fresh fruit such as watermelon, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, mango, papaya, kiwi, bananas, apples, and asian pears and this will be my breakfast. I don’t count calories and I eat until I am full. Fruit does contain sugar but sugar is necessary after exercise and the fruit also contains a lot of water and fiber.

It is ok to be hungry. I eat at least 6 times per day. If you are eating plant based unprocessed foods you can pretty much eat all day and still maintain your weight. You will reach your equilibrium. For lunch, I am typically not home so I will typically go to an ethnic restaurant for lunch such as Indian or Chinese. I typically order steamed veggies with white rice and water or something similar.

I always carry snacks wherever I go. For snack, I will eat things like celery sticks with almond butter, more fruit, or some nuts.

One of the great things I have learned from my friend Sharon, who runs the Columbia, MD Forks Over Knives Meetup, is to use an Instant Pot. An Instant Pot is a multi function electric pressure cooker that is very easy to use and makes delicious meals and I highly recommend it.

If you are serious about your weight loss, I also recommend that you eliminate salt, oil, sugar, and processed foods from your diet. When I say to eliminate sugar that does not mean that you cannot eat fruit and when I say to eliminate oil that does not mean to eliminate things like avocados. This itself will make a tremendous difference in your weight loss journey. I also recommend that you weigh yourself everyday. Some experts would caution against this but I say that is ridiculous. The scale is a great tool to measure where you are. It works! I don’t count calories and I eat when I am hungry. However what I am eating doesn’t cause weight gain. I eat a lot but I eat the right foods.

Water is the best thing you can drink. Stay away from sodas and alcohol.

If you follow all of these things, I guarantee it will work. You will see a tremendous difference in your life!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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91 – What is This Lifestyle?

What is the David Madow lifestyle? The answer to this question in today’s episode!

For those of you that are new to the show, this podcast was previously known as Slice Your Age. The podcast was recently rebranded and named The David Madow Lifestyle show.

Dr. Dave has never gone into detail about what the David Madow lifestyle actually is. On today’s show, he will explain exactly what that is and how to incorporate it into your life! This lifestyle works!


Dr. Dave does not do anything too extreme. And he does not consider himself to be the fastest runner or the best skier but regardless he never quits. He keeps doing it no matter what. For example, Dr. Dave has been running for about 35 years. He has never been a fast runner. He has entered many races and, until a recent neighborhood race, he had never won any of them.

If you want to live the David Madow lifestyle, you don’t have to run. Dr. Dave firmly believes that the best exercise is walking. Almost everybody can do it. And when you get to the point where you can walk about 4 miles at a time at a decent pace (hopefully daily). When you do this, you will notice tremendous changes in how you look and how you feel. When you start walking, it doesn’t only help your physical body but your mentality as well. You start thinking things and coming up with ideas on how to help you with your life. Dr. Dave believes walking is essentially a form a meditation.

You don’t have to be an extreme athlete or ultra runner. In fact many, but not all, extreme athletes will train like crazy for a few years while competing and then will get burned out and stop competing. You don’t have to do that to be in great shape.

Dr. Dave no longer owns a gym membership. The gym is just not for him. Instead he has a home gym. He does not lift a ton of weight. He does certain things often and that is what helps keep him in great shape. Some of Dr. Dave’s favorite exercises are:

  • Push-ups – All you need is a floor. Start of small and add more as you grow stronger.
  • Pull-ups – Dr. Dave loves pull-ups and does them many times per week. You can purchase a pull-up bar. And pull-ups require a lot of strength. Start off doing 1 or if that’s too difficult start by just hanging from the bar for 20-30 seconds. Dr. Dave typically does anywhere from 3-5 pull-ups each time.
  • Crunches – Dr. Dave uses an incline bench to do crunches. He does approximately 15 per set.
  • Shoulder presses – He uses a small dumbbell set to do these.
  • Bicep curls

All of these things help him to live the David Madow lifestyle. He does feel the need to pay a lot of money each month for a gym membership. He feels great and his routine is not too extreme.


Dr. Dave also does not consider his diet to be too extreme. He eats anything as long as it does not come from an animal and prefers unprocessed foods. He does not eat animal products primarily because 1) he does not want to contribute to animal suffering and 2) for his health. It is part of the David Madow lifestyle. He eliminated these things from his diet and just a short time later it has made a huge difference. When Dr. Dave looks in the mirror, he questions, is this what a 60 year-old is supposed to look like? Is this what a 60 year-old is supposed to be doing? Running, skiing expert slopes, learning to ride a unicycle? YOU can be doing the same. Not only are you going to feel so good about the way you look but it’s going to help you live longer too!

The David Madow lifestyle is doing things that work that are simple. No fads, no latest and greatest! Healthy plant based whole foods such as fruits and vegetables. Fads don’t last.


We are human and sometimes things get in the way in our lives. If there is anything going on in your life that is preventing you from living the life you want to, you have to get rid of it. It is all about living healthy, happy, and making sure your relationships are good.

This is the David Madow lifestyle. It’s not rocket science or crazy information. But unfortunately most people are not doing it. If you stick with this plan and live this lifestyle, you will one day look in the mirror and say WOW! You will be amazed at the differences!

The David Madow Lifestyle Show is released every Monday on iTunes and at www.davidmadow.com. The video version of each podcast is released 1 1/2 weeks later each Wednesday at www.facebook.com/davidmadow.

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Website: https://davidmadow.com
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90 – Do You Smell?

How do you smell? Good or bad? Find out on today’s show!

Welcome to the David Madow Lifestyle Show! On this Dr. Dave teaches you how to live longer, stronger, thinner, happier, healthier, and so much more.

After converting to a plant-based diet, Dr. Dave noticed that if he missed using deodorant or anti-perspirant for a day or two, he did not smell. There was no weird smell or body odor. Eliminating animal products also seemed to eliminate body odor. Dr. Dave, wondering if this was a mere coincidence, began researching the decomposition process of animal products. Whenever you eat an animal product, the animal will begin to decompose, also known as Putrefaction . Putrefaction is one of the seven stages in the decomposition of the body of a dead animal. Whether you like it or not, you are eating a dead animal. In broad terms, putrefaction is the decomposition of proteins in a process that results in the eventual breakdown of cohesion between tissues and the liquefaction of most organs. This process also results in the production of noxious odors otherwise known as bad smells. As soon as an animal dies, it begins to decompose and that decomposition process results in a very bad smell. Somehow the smells are able to permeate from your body. That is why, for as long as we have known, people tend to mask smells with deodorant, perfume, eau de toilette, etc.

In addition, the ingredients in these products are also harmful.  Your body is designed to sweat. In fact, sweating is the body’s way of regulating temperature. Putting an anti-perspirant under your arms totally defeats the purpose of what your body is trying to do. Not to mention the chemicals that are used are unhealthy.

Plants decompose as well. What would you rather have on your plate? A piece of animal flesh that you know is decomposing due to bacteria and fungus or a piece of broccoli or tofu? It is common sense which option will be better for you and healthier for your body. Getting rid of animal products has made Dr. Dave much healthier, thinner, given him more energy, more vibrant, and as an added benefit he does not smell any more! Like most normal adults, Dr. Dave did have to use anti-perspirant but not anymore. We are told that this is what we need to do to mask smells. But if you eat a healthy diet, that is not necessary.

For anyone suffering from body odors or even conditions such as acid reflux, Try a plant-based diet for just 60 days. After 30 days, stop using anti-perspirant and deodorants and see if there is a difference. We use lots of things to mask our odors, but if we take the source of those odors away then you no longer have to be concerned about it. Regardless of whether you care about animals or about your health, you most likely do care about the way you smell, so take the challenge.

If you are using mouthwash or eating mints during the day because you feel that your mouth is not fresh, there is a very high probability that it is due to your stomach contents. If you have toxicity in your gut, your mouth will be impacted. Dr. Dave is a dentist by profession. He can tell you that if you have some type of gum disease in your mouth (i.e. periodontal disease), you have bacteria under the gum lining (pockets) and that can produce a very bad odor as well. Unfortunately, a vegan diet will not cure gum disease and you will still have an odor if untreated. Be sure to use a really good dentist that pays attention to your gums. Gum disease is the number one source of bad breath.

Stop covering up your odors and treat them at the source!

If you like what you see or hear, please feel free to share the show with a friend. And if you really love it, tell two friends. You will receive extra Karma points from Dr. Dave!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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Website: https://davidmadow.com
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89 – The Mall

For today’s episode, Dr. Dave is broadcasting from Owings Mills Mall in Owings Mills, MD. Are you like the mall?

The mall is very large but unfortunately there are only 1-2 stores open at this point. The mall used to be packed full of people – families, children, and elderly. Why is it that no one is at this mall? There are a lot of theories. Some say it is due to the subway system that was built not long after the mall opened. A lot of residents feel that the level of crime increased and the mall was no longer safe. Regardless of what happened we know that everything changes. Nothing stays the same. About 30 years ago, when Dr. Dave’s children were young, he used to bring them to this mall and he never could have imagined 30 years later that the mall we be a complete ghost town. He could have never imagined what life would be like 30 years later. When his kids see this podcast, they will never believe that the mall in in this condition.

Since the year that the mall opened, Dr. Dave has experienced depression, anxiety, poor relationships, divorce, you name it! But he recognized that he did not want things to stay the same. Whenever he went through bad times in his life, he became even more focused on fixing it. If you had asked him 30 years ago, he never could have imagined how great his life would be now at age 60. Luckily, he had dreams. He had aspirations and goals and knew where he wanted his life to go. He refused to settle for anything less than what he wanted because he realized that you only live once. It is possible to live through the tough times.

How about you? Are you having money problems? Relationship problems? Family problems? Work problems? Weight and health issues? Of course you are! Because everyone has problems. We are all in the same boat. We’ve all got things going on. Let’s fix them. Let’s not keep going in the wrong direction like the mall has been going. If the mall could talk it would say “I’m tired” or “I wish I would have changed something years ago”.

Can you stay exactly the way you are? Should you stay exactly the way you are? Only you can answer that.

So why is Dr. Dave talking about a mall? Because he doesn’t want you to end up the same way. He doesn’t want you to be empty. He wants you to be happy and thriving. Today’s homework is for you to identify one thing in your life that is not going as well as it should. Is it a relationship? Your health? Your weight? Close you eyes and clear you mind, take time to think about it. Write it down. Every day take time to look at your goal. Don’t obsess over it. But if you do it everyday, your brain will begin to figure out ways to make the situation better. Dr. Dave can’t explain why or how this happens but it’s true. A long time ago Dr. Dave wrote his goals down in a book and read over them every single day. And practically every single one of those goals became a reality!!

Dr. Dave is a regular guy who has been able to figure out how to make things happen in his life. He doesn’t sit back and let things happen to him. He makes them happen. It take strength, perseverance, dedication, and focus. It doesn’t take money, it doesn’t take being smart, it takes knowing that you want to get it done so badly that you will not let anything get in your way. No matter who tells you that you can’t or gets in your way. Dr. Dave shuts the naysayers down.

You can get it done! Don’t be the mall! Take control of your life. Are you going to do it? Do it right now!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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Website: https://davidmadow.com
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88 – Life’s Most Important Lesson

Today, Dr. Dave isn’t talking about eating or exercise but something else that will help your life immensely. You cannot miss this one!

If you need advice, have questions, or just want to talk please feel free to contact Dr. Dave at www.facebook.com/davidmadow. A new podcast is published here at www.davidmadow.com each week on Monday.

To celebrate the Father’s Day holiday yesterday, Dr. Dave met up with mother, father, and brother for a family dinner. During this meal, Dr. Dave realized how important family is to his own health. Family is extremely important to your health. Dr. Dave went through a period in life where he did not have a good relationship with his parents. There have been a lot of tough times in his life but the period in which he was not getting along with his parents, was the worst time in his life. It was the lowest, most stressful, and most difficult time in his life. No matter how much he tried to ignore it or forget about it, it always weighed on his mind. Dr. Dave has been very close to his parents for a long time now. It provides him with a tremendous amount of joy and peace. And it does for his parents as well!

This is extremely important. If you have a relationship with someone in your family and it is not good. If there is hate in your family, try your best to fix that. If there is hate in your family and you think you are ignoring it or that you can brush it under the rug, you are NOT. On some level the hate is destroying you. Countless people have family issues, whether it be with a mother, father, aunt, uncle, or even spouse.

Dr. Dave has talked about forgiveness many times on the show (most recently on Episode #83). Dr. Dave cannot stress it enough how important it is to forgive. There is never a great reason to hold on to anger and hostility. If there is someone you are not talking to, both sides may need to come together to work it out.

If there is something you hate and you can’t make it better, change it! If you are in a relationship that is not working out for you no matter what you do, then get out. If you know in your heart that something is not working, then you must change it. However when it comes to family you can’t always changes that. The day that Dr. Dave began repairing his relationship with his parents was probably one of the happiest days of his life. What would be so bad about picking up the phone and taking the step to repair a relationship that is important to you? Why would it be so bad to forget the past and move on? The past won’t change but you can change. Sometimes there are situations that are truly horrible and if that is the case you have to make up your mind as to what the best scenario would be. Is it better to forget and make up or to harbor hate for the rest of your life? You have to make the decision but in most cases it is better to forgive.

If you are saying to yourself that this is supposed to be a show about lifestyle, a place where people learn to exercise and eat better but when you learn how to be happy and forgiving than the other stuff come pretty easily. It is much easier to focus on your health when you are having issues in your life. Dr. Dave has been through it all and can tell you it’s a lot better when there is no hatred. It removes a layer of stress that no exercising or diet can help. You can exercise and eat right but you have to take care of first things first. Is it worth a try? Is it worth going to your grave hating someone? If you say No, what can you do now to fix the situation? Pick up the phone and start the dialogue. It will be the most powerful thing you do in your life!!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>My website:
Website: https://davidmadow.com
Check out the podcasts, recipes, blog posts, and more!

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87 – Never Quit!

In this episode, Dr. Dave explains why quitting could be the most dangerous thing you will ever do in your life.

Check out a new episode of The David Madow Lifestyle show here at www.davidmadow.com every Monday morning. The show is also available on iTunes and Stitcher. Contact Dr. Dave at www.facebook.com/davidmadow or at rundrdave@gmail.com.

Over the years, Dr. Dave has come to realize that it is very easy to quit things in our lives. When he was younger, Dr. Dave loved to sing. One day while at a friend’s house, he was singing with friends. His friend’s parent made a negative comment about the singing and after that point he began to feel self conscious when singing in public. He has since gotten over that fear and gone on to sing in front on stage in front of large audiences. He also used to like to play the guitar. He had gotten frustrated with his lack of progress in learning how to play and quit playing. Had he not of quit playing all those years ago, he would probably be a pretty good guitar player at this point.

There are a lot of things over the years that Dr. Dave has quit. Quitting is never a good thing, especially if it’s something that you want badly. The only exception would be in the case where you are in a situation that is making you unhappy and you have tried to change the situation for the better but you are still unhappy. In that situation, it is not only acceptable to move on, it is encouraged.

When Dr. Dave was still a dentist, he and his brother were working on a side business coaching others dentists on how to become more successful in their practices. When he decided that he wanted to pursue his coaching business full time, many of his peers thought he was crazy. He was a successful dentist with a profitable thriving practice. It would have been very easy to listen to the naysayers. But fortunately he did not listen. He and his brother began their business at the kitchen table with a PO box and a small pickup truck. That “kitchen table” business has turned out to be a multi-million dollar business over the past several years. Had he quit, he never would have known the potential. In fact, he did quite the opposite. He worked the business as hard as he could to prove to the naysayers that this was something big. There were many tough times where they wanted to quit but they persevered. They proved to themselves, and to everyone else, that they could do it.

“Never quit, never give up!”

As hard as something may be at that moment, you never know what is around the corner. You could be so close to achieving success. If there is something you are doing that you are passionate about or want to see happen in your life, keep it going. That doesn’t mean that if something isn’t going well, you can tweak it or fix it but don’t quit. For example, sometimes it is difficult to save money. You put a little away and then a little more away but it doesn’t feel as if it is growing quickly enough. So you say to yourself “why would I want to keep saving money if this is not accumulating?”. We’ve all been there. Sometimes you have to discipline yourself so much. And sometimes it will feel like it not going anywhere. But if you stick with it, you will achieve it. It might take some time to achieve but if you quit it will never happen. These days people are impatient but sometimes things just don’t happen overnight. You have to know what you are doing, work it hard, stay the course, and never quit!

So how about you? Do you have anything you are looking to do? Don’t quit if it’s something you truly want to do in life. Please, do this! You can win. You might have to work really hard at it but you can do it. Whatever you choose to do, try your hardest, persist no matter what anyone says, and prove to the world that it can be done. Are you ready to win?

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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Website: https://davidmadow.com
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86 – Five Habits That Will Change Your Life

On today’s show, Dr. Dave reveals the five habits that will truly change your life!

The David Madow Lifestyle Show (formerly known as Slice Your Age) is here to keep you stronger, thinner, healthier, and happier! For those of you watching the video at www.facebook.com/davidmadow, a new episode of the show is released here at www.davidmadow.com each Monday. You can also listen to the entire library of podcasts with tons of helpful information. If you have any questions regarding today’s episode, or other previous episodes, feel free to contact Dr. Dave through Facebook message or by email at rundrdave@gmail.com.

Below, Dr. Dave shares five habits that he performs every day that have changed his life!

Read more

85 – This is What One Year Can Do for YOU!

Today Dr. Dave shows you what happened to him after being vegan for one year!

Be sure to go to www.davidmadow.com to listen to previous episodes of The David Madow Lifestyle Show.

Dr. Dave just returned from his trip to the West Coast. He had the opportunity to meet up with several amazing followers of the show and participated in the Bay 2 Breakers race. If you are listening to the show, Dr. Dave wants to invite you to meet up with him next year in San Francisco for the Bay 2 Breakers race! It’s a big party in the streets of San Francisco. You are guaranteed to have fun! Next year’s race will be on Sunday, May 15th. You have 1 year to prepare!

Dr. Dave is here to help you live your best life possible. Over the past year Dr. Dave has been completely transformed. A little over one year ago he decided to completely eliminate animal products from his life, primarily diet. After a lot of thought and research, he believed that this was the best thing he could do for his health and for the planet. Directly after the Bay 2 Breakers race of 2014, Dr. Dave and his wife, Yoko decided that they would never eat animal products again – no meat, fish, dairy, or anything else that comes from an animal. They get regular physicals and had always been in good health but within a few months of becoming vegan their blood work results had significantly improved. Other things began happening too. He began to notice that he was getting a lot of compliments about his skin and his “glow”. Not long after Dr. Dave’s one year anniversary of becoming vegan last he also celebrated his 60th birthday. A few days after his birthday, he ran a local 5k race and for the first time ever, he won first place in his age category! To say he was happy about that would be an understatement. After that he completed a three day hike in the Santa Cruz mountains. He did not use (or need) animal products or meat to keep him going. He was fueled only on plants and felt great. And after a day of rest, he also ran a 12K race at his best time ever. He is doing better now than ever before! He has lost weight and his hair is growing. After one year, Dr. Dave is convinced that it is the best thing he has ever done.

One of the most common questions that vegans get asked is where do you get your protein? Dr. Dave gets frustrated by this question. As an athlete who is performing better than ever, Dr. Dave knows that a plant based diet can fuel your body properly. In a plant based diet, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and beans are able to provide you with more than enough protein for your needs.

Dr. Dave wants to change the world! Even if it’s one person at a time. He has received so many positive and inspiring messages. So many of you have changed your lives due to his influence.

If you are looking to get started, don’t wait. Don’t say that you will start next month or next week. What does it hurt to try? Just do it!

Next episode we’ll be talking about The 5 Habits That Will Change Your Life. Stay tuned!

Off to Chicago now…

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>My website:
Website: https://davidmadow.com
Check out the podcasts, recipes, blog posts, and more!

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Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life? Share this show with them and send them to https://www.davidmadow.com

84 – This Story May Change Your Life!

In this episode, Dr. Dave tells a short story that could have a big impact on your life. Please don’t miss the message at the very end!

Today’s show is being recorded in Dr. Dave’s hotel room in beautiful downtown San Francisco, CA. Dr Dave, his wife Yoko, and a few friends have just completed a three day backpacking trip in the Santa Cruz mountains in the Northern CA area. On a backpacking trip, you must carry everything that you are going to eat because there is no where convenient to restock your supplies. Water is typically available at the campsite but during the day everything else has to be carried. They hiked roughly 10 miles per day in the rugged mountains. On day two, the group encountered a gorgeous dog that appears to be lost or abandoned. The dog was fairly large and was a light tan color. The dog was very sweet but extremely frightened. The dog was shaking shivering, and had small bites or cuts on its body. They found the dog in an area where there was a mountain road passing by and they found the dog near the road when they did a road crossing. There was not a lot of traffic on this road, but every so often as they were trying to tend to the dog a car would pass and catch the dog’s attention. It seemed as if the dog would become disappointed as each passing car came and went. They decided that they really wanted to help the dog but they had limited food and water which they needed to survive. However they each pulled out a little food and water to give to the dog. The dog was so appreciative! They decided that would try to flag down the next vehicle on the road to see if there was some way they could help since they next campsite was about 8 miles away and the group was not sure if the dog would hike with them that far. Finally what appeared to be a county or state work track passed by and they flagged him down. The truck stopped and they asked what was wrong? Dr. Dave went on to explain to the passengers of the vehicle that they had found this dog and that he was lost and starving. They acknowledged that they worked in the area and were familiar with the surrounding area. They became very friendly and introduced themselves as Nicole and Tim. They offered to find help for the dog and began trying to lure him to the truck with food. Unfortunately the dog refused to get in the truck. As this is happening, another car passes by and turns around. Out of this convertible comes a young man named Clayton. The gentleman gets out of his car and approaches the group. The group is hopeful that this is the dog’s owner so they ask if the dog is his. He was not the dog’s owner but instead asked for a picture of the group. He was traveling from Texas and was exploring the redwood forest. He came to look at the trees when he spotted the backpackers and really wanted to get a picture of the group. The group agreed and posed for the picture. After a few minutes of chatting, they say their goodbyes to Clayton and he goes on his way. At this point, they weren’t sure what to do with the dog but the plan was that Nicole would going to stay with the dog while Tim went and got some type of help. The group decided that the workers were very nice loving people and that the dog was in good hands. They felt they could no longer be of assistance so they slowly hiked away from the dog and the workers so as not to confuse him. About 30 minutes into the hike, the trail came close to the same mountain road again and they spotted the same truck. They yelled to Nicole and Tim once more and the window was down so they heard the group. They did not see the dog in the truck so they began to worry. They stopped the truck and we came close to the road and began speaking to them again. They immediately inquired about the dog. Nicole said “you won’t believe this! After Clayton had left the group, he noticed a lost dog sign along the road. Realizing it was the dog he just saw with us he called the phone number on the sign and told them that he knew where their dog was. The owner came to claim the dog shortly after and as it turns out the dog had been lost for two days.” If it had not been for the group working hard to find the dog’s owner, the dog probably would not have survived in the wilderness too much longer. Everything came together perfectly to save an animal’s life.

Dr. Dave has talked many times in the past about helping others, giving, living, not just people but animals too. It made them feel so good to save this animal’s life. A lot of things in life are very important, but happiness and love for others trumps everything else. Are you going to save a dog’s life today? Maybe not, but can you go out today and touch somebody’s life? Talk to a stranger? Help someone across the road? Give to a charity? Help a homeless person in some way? Teach something to someone else that will impact their life? This is what life’s about! It’s not about sitting in an office all day making as much money as you can living in a 5000 square foot mansion.

If you have never been backpacking, Dr. Dave highly recommends it. There is something wonderful about strapping a heavy pack on your back with your possessions and walking in the wilderness. No internet, no Facebook, No Twitter, No Instant Messenger. Just you and maybe a few loved ones walking, sometimes for several days.

Next time you are deciding what to eat and it’s between an animal product (meat, dairy, eggs, etc) or a plant-based food. Please remember that anytime you eat an animal product, an animal is suffering. Every animal has the same emotion as the dog that the group saved in the woods. They get happy, sad, fearful, they shiver and shake. They don’t want to suffer. This is the one year anniversary of Dr. Dave’s vegan journey and he has never felt better!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.

83 – This is More Important Than Diet and Exercise!

Today Dr. Dave reveals what is REALLY important in your life and the best way that you can do this!

To our regular listeners/viewers, welcome back! To our new listeners/viewers, welcome! Here we talk about lifestyle, how to be stronger, thinner, healthier, happier, and a lot more. If you are new to the show, the best way to reach Dr. Dave is on Facebook at www.facebook.com/davidmadow or at www.facebook.com/sliceyourage.

Two weeks ago on the podcast (Episode 81 – A Challenge For You), Dr. Dave requested that all of his listeners try a plant-based vegan diet for just two weeks. No meat or animal products and as little processed food as possible. He has received tons of great feedback. If you participated in the challenge, Dr. Dave wants to hear from you. Was it difficult? Were you able to do it for two weeks? Did you try for a day or two, then just stop? Was it simple? How did you feel after? Did you lose any weight? Do you feel like a new person? Please send all feedback, good or bad, to rundrdave@gmail.com. If you feel really good eliminating animal products from your diet, Dr. Dave suggests that you keep it going! He is certain that it will have so many positive effects on your body, your life, your happiness, whatever it may be!

By the time you are listening/watching this Dr. Dave will have had a late birthday celebration. First, he, his wife, and some friends are embarking on a three-day backpacking trip, then Dr. Dave and his wife will be participating in the Bay 2 Breakers 12K race in San Francisco, CA, and after that they will be taking a short side trip to Portland, OR. Portland is known as the vegan capital of the world, so Dr. Dave is looking forward to checking out some great food at a few cool vegan restaurants.

A long time ago, Dr. Dave did an episode discussing happiness and forgiveness and how to live a stress free life. In order to live a less stressful life, you must learn to release the bad feelings that you are carrying. Holding in anger, whether it’s against an old friend, family member, co-worker, is really unhealthy. If you have any anger or hatred or really bad feeling or thoughts about someone else, try your best to forgive and let it go. When you are able to do that you will see such positive changes in your life. Once you release all of that stress, it is amazing!

Dr. Dave always thought he lived a healthy lifestyle, but looking back he realizes it was not as healthy as he thought. In the past few years, he has made much more of an effort to live a healthy lifestyle through yoga, meditation, exercise, and diet. And he has developed a higher emotional stability by learning to forgive and not valuing material items as highly. He has learned that life is about health, happiness, and love.

When he was able to begin increasing his exercise and meditating more, that’s when he realized he was able to release more of those bad feelings. If someone gives you anger or hatred, and you can ignore that and respond to them with love and positive energy, in so many cases their anger will go away. This is not always the case but in most cases. It’s amazing how the way in which you respond to someone can dictate how they react to you. Dr. Dave shares an anecdote regarding an experience he recently had with an aggressive driver.

Living a life of peace is truly the way to go. Is every day perfect? Of course not! But let’s learn to relax, love, forgive, and don’t be as angry. Dr. Dave firmly believes that the planet will change for the better in the future! Show love towards other people. It’s one of the best things you can do!

Thank you for being a part of this community! If you like what you are hearing, don’t forget to review this podcast on iTunes!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>The epicenter of all goodness:
Website: http://www.sliceyourage.com
Check out the podcasts, special bonuses, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
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Slice Your Age :http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage.

—> Tweet with Dr. Dave on Twitter:

—>Connect with Dr. Dave and his professional portfolio on LinkedIn:

—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.

—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:

—> Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190.
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

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Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.


82 – Are You Normal?

In today’s show, Dr. Dave helps you find out if you are “normal.” Listen closely to find out!

Dr. Dave is preparing to leave for San Francisco. He is very excited to participate in the Bay 2 Breakers 12k race. In (belated) celebration of Dr Dave’s 60th birthday, he is going on a three day backpacking trip. His group, including his wife Yoko and three other friends, is taking the Skyline to the Sea Trail which begins in the mountains of San Jose, CA and winds 35 miles to the Pacific Ocean.

Stay tuned for a NEW and IMPROVED www.davidmadow.com! The newly re-designed website should be up and running by the end of May.

In addition, the video version to this podcast is uploaded on Facebook each Wednesday at www.facebook.com/davidmadow. Please feel free to watch!

Are you normal?

In the United States…


  • 1 out of every 3 people are clinically obese, not overweight but morbidly obese. That is approximately 80 million Americans.
  • 7 out of 10 people take at least one prescription drug.
  • If you are over 65, you take an average of 7 prescription medications.
  • 1 out of every 10 or 10% of adults are depressed.
  • 50% of Americans including children have more credit card debt than savings.

Do you want to be normal? Dr Dave tries very hard not to be normal.

Dr. Dave receives tons of messages and even phone calls from people telling him what to do with his podcast. They say things like “You should have a better background”, “Don’t reveal so much of your private life”, “Don’t drink smoothies when you are recording”, or “Don’t be controversial”.  You know something? Dr. Dave believes these people just want to be normal. But he likes being who he is – which is out there, crazy, and weird. He feels fantastic just as he is! He does what he thinks and feels is right for him. He feels free to talk about the things that most would cringe about including anxiety, divorce, and depression. He talk about these things because not only does he have nothing to hide but he feels that sharing his experiences may also help his listeners. Life can sometimes be very tough and Dr. Dave wants everyone to know that no one’s life is perfect (Dr. Dave shared an anecdote about a recent experience).

If you are normal in the US, then you most likely are affected by one of the conditions mentioned above. It’s possible that someone could smoke their entire life without any issues but if you are playing the odds then most likely you will see the effects of long term smoking.

Dr Dave’s Suggestions for Being Abnormal

Dr. Dave is a huge believer in exercise! The best exercise is walking. He suggests that you make an effort to walk at least 4 miles per day. You do not need a gym. There are many exercises that you can do at home such as pull-ups, crunches, push-ups.

Dr Dave also eats very well. He eats a whole food plant-based diet with very none to very little sugar, salt, and oils.

Choose happiness! If you are in a situation in which you are unhappy, whether it be a job or a relationship, you have got to find a way to make it better. If you don’t, months or years will go by and it will be eating you up inside. It may not be easy, but it can be done.

Are these brand new suggestions? No, probably not but it is a lifestyle. You have to live it every day!


“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>The epicenter of all goodness:
Website: http://www.sliceyourage.com
Check out the podcasts, special bonuses, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
Personal http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow.
Slice Your Age :http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage.

—> Tweet with Dr. Dave on Twitter:

—>Connect with Dr. Dave and his professional portfolio on LinkedIn:

—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.

—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:

—> Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190. 

Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

—> Share the show with a friend:
Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.


81 – A Challenge for You!

In this episode Dr. Dave has a challenge for you. He says it may change your life. Are you up to the task?

You are no longer alone! There are several ways to contact Dr Dave. First, this website at www.davidmadow.com. On here you will find all of the shows including show notes, photos, and information from each podcast. Or hang out with Dr Dave on Facebook at www.facebook.com/davidmadow. Feel free to private message him and comment/like on his posts.

Dr Dave wants to change your life. Are you happy with the way things are going in your life? It has been one year since Dr Dave consumed any type of animal product including wearing clothing made with animals such as leather or wool. Since making this change, Dr Dave’s life has changed drastically. Why? Well for starters, his physical health and appearance has improved. He has lost weight, built more lean muscle, his skin looks better, and his hair is growing in fuller and thicker than before. At (almost) 60, he can do more things now that he could at 30. In fact, Dr Dave regularly participates in marathons, skis, and backpacks.

Dr Dave wants to challenge YOU! Eliminate all animal products from your diet for the next 14 days (AKA The 14 Day Challenge)! Instead of eggs for breakfast try oatmeal instead for the next few weeks or replace your dinner steak with a large salad with lots of colorful veggies and nuts (no meat or cheese of course). Most people are addicted to animal products because it is the “norm”.  Just try it! It will be the best 14 days of your life. It’s not a long time but it is long enough to begin to develop better eating habits.

There are a lot of products that can be used to transition into a vegan lifestyle. For example, you can purchase a vegan “chicken” made from peat protein. Dr Dave does not recommend these products because many of them are made with processed items.

On a lighter note, Dr Dave has been practicing on his unicycle. For those of you watching on video, Dr Dave may try to video himself riding his unicycle just to show you that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>The epicenter of all goodness:
Website: http://www.sliceyourage.com
Check out the podcasts, special bonuses, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
Personal http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow.
Slice Your Age :http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage.

—> Tweet with Dr. Dave on Twitter:

—>Connect with Dr. Dave and his professional portfolio on LinkedIn:

—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.

—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:

—> Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190.
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

—> Share the show with a friend:
Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.

80 – The Picture That Will Change Your Life

In today’s show, Dr. Dave reveals some things he has never before talked about in his search for happiness and change.

Welcome to the David Madow Lifestyle Show formerly Slice Your Age!

episode #80

Above, Dr Dave shared a photo of himself from about 15 years ago around the time of his divorce. He was about 30 pounds heavier at that point and going through a very difficult time. Now, after making significant changes in his life, he looks and feels so much better. Had he kept going in a situation that he was not supposed to be, who knows if he would be doing as well as he is today.

Although Dr Dave, lives a great life now, this wasn’t always the case. He knew that he had to make changes, and although he was afraid, he did it anyway. Staying in the situation that he was in, would have caused more serious problems in his life. He found the courage to make changes. It was not easy and he went through period where he was depressed and felt alone. Sometimes he would even take prescription anxiety medicine to help deal with his emotions even though he knew that wasn’t the proper way to handle the situation. He also lost a lot financially but knew that there was no other way. When given a choice between wealth and happiness, he felt happiness was his only choice. Even though he knew it was going to be a lot of hard work to get his life in order.

For those of you facing difficult decisions, Dr Dave is here for you. He understands your struggles and hurdles and wants to help you achieve your dreams.

The most important thing in life is happiness (health is a close second). No matter how well you live and how healthy you are, if you are unhappy you will never live a fulfilled life. If there is something in your life that needs to be changed, work on it now! Don’t try to avoid it or forget about it. You can do this, you can get better, and you can live your absolute best life possible!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>The epicenter of all goodness:
Website: https://www.davidmadow.com
Check out the podcasts, special bonuses, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
Personal http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow.
Slice Your Age :http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage.

—> Tweet with Dr. Dave on Twitter:

—>Connect with Dr. Dave and his professional portfolio on LinkedIn:

—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.

—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:

—> Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190.
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

—> Share the show with a friend:
Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to https://www.davidmadow.com.


79 – How to Live Your Dream Life

If you could do anything you wanted or live anywhere, what would you be doing? Are you there yet? Close? In this episode, Dr. Dave explains how to get there!

We are making a few changes at Slice Your Age. In a few weeks, the Slice Your Age podcast will be called The David Madow Lifestyle Show. We are very excited about this change! Stay tuned for more announcements.

Dr Dave is enjoying a delicious smoothie during today’s show that he made in his Nutribullet. His smoothie includes snow pea tips (delicious raw or sauteed), avocado, Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grain crunchy cereal, almonds, banana, and vegan protein powder. Try it out for yourself! Delicious & healthy!

The goal of every show is to help you live your absolute best life EVER! I am here for YOU. If you have a question or need advice, message me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/davidmadow, here at the website (www.sliceyourage.com), or by email at sliceyourage@gmail.com. He will respond to EVERY message that he receives. However please allow 24-48 hours for a response due to busy schedules. If for some reason, you do not hear back within 48 hours, please feel free to send a reminder.

If you could do anything or live anywhere, what would you do/where would it be? There are so many people that aren’t happy with what they are doing right now. “Getting out” or changing your circumstances can be extremely tough. However what are the options? Will you be happy if you continue on? This is not to suggest that you quit your job or leave your spouse today, but rather that you give some thought to your current situation and decide what is working and what is not.

What is preventing you from doing what you dream of doing? Could it be that you are resisting change? If you are not currently living your dream, take baby steps to get you there. It may not happen overnight, but in time you could completely change your life. It will work out better than you ever dreamed of! What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of the unknown?

Seven years ago, Dr Dave made the decision to spend most of his winters in Colorado. He loves to ski and loves spending time in the mountains. Many people thought he was crazy for trying to do that because of all the responsibilities that he had at home. How will you work? What about your family? But he was able to work it out so that he can work from there and maintain his responsibilities. He had the courage to make the change and he has never been happier.

We can design our own lives. Through goal setting, daily review of those goals, and tracking his progress, Dr Dave has been able to accomplish a lot. YOU can do it too! You CAN change! The act of creating goals and writing them down helps to develop a laser-like focus on your dreams. You CAN live your dream life!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>The epicenter of all goodness:
Website: http://www.sliceyourage.com
Check out the podcasts, special bonuses, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
Personal http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow.
Slice Your Age :http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage.

—> Tweet with Dr. Dave on Twitter:

—>Connect with Dr. Dave and his professional portfolio on LinkedIn:

—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.

—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:

—> Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190.
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

—> Share the show with a friend:
Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.


78 – Doing THIS Will Make You So Happy!

Listen to what Dr. Dave did the other day that added an incredible amount of happiness to his life!

The sponsor of today’s show is Mike R. Mike was kind enough to make a donation to the show. Dr Dave produces all of his podcasts and videos using his own resources. If you are a friend of the show and would like to make a donation, go to www.sliceyourage.com and click the donate button on the bottom right side. No amount is too small! We sincerely appreciate all donations!

Just a few days ago Dr Dave was out running errands and was at a gas station. As he was sitting in the car waiting for the gas pump to finish, he heard a knock on the window. A woman was standing there and Dr Dave rolled down the window. She was from out of town and was lost, so she stopped to ask for directions. Dr Dave decided to get out of the car to assist her. While he was speaking with her, he realized that she was very anxious and stressed out. She confessed that she thought she was going to have a panic attack so he tried to help calm her down. He put his hand on her shoulder and told her “you are going to be fine, I am going to help you out”. He encouraged her to take a few deep breaths. Just after she did that, she immediately relaxed and her entire demeanor changed. He discovered that she had an iPhone and was very new to operating it. He walked her through making a phone call and while she was doing that he took the address that she was traveling to and entered it into the GPS on his iPhone to discover her destination was only about 10-15 minutes away. When she was done with her phone call, he then entered the address into the GPS on her iPhone. He went on to explain how to use the GPS on her phone and that if she did make a wrong turn the GPS would correct her position and update the directions. By the time he was done, Dr Dave probably spent about 15 minutes with her. She thanked Dr Dave and mentioned that she would say a prayer for him that evening. Her gratitude made him feel so good. He felt wonderful that someone would take time out of their day to think about him. While it is important to maintain your responsibilities, when you can take time out of your day to help others with something in their lives, even something as simple as directions, it is a win-win situation. Not only are you helping someone else, but it makes you feel good as well.

Dr Dave loves to help others and does that by teaching people how to improve their lives! Every time he records a podcast or video, he knows that there is at least one person in the world whose life he is changing. Is that person YOU?


In 78 episodes, Dr Dave has discussed eating right, exercising, meditating, relationships, happiness, and much more. When all of these things are combined into your life, something magical happens. If you are happy with yourself, you know you are doing things right! It doesn’t take long to see/feel the effects of stress and poor diet on the body. But it also doesn’t take long to reverse those effects it you stick with it. Don’t give up!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 230,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>The epicenter of all goodness:
Website: http://www.sliceyourage.com
Check out the podcasts, special bonuses, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
Personal http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow.
Slice Your Age :http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage.

—> Tweet with Dr. Dave on Twitter:

—>Connect with Dr. Dave and his professional portfolio on LinkedIn:

—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.

—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:

—> Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190.
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

—> Share the show with a friend:
Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.